Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: Acts 2:1-17
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: Acts 2:1-17
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon Text: James 5:4
On Labor Day, we welcomed Rev. Dr. David Wheeler to preach and to lead our community in a conversation around the workers and the laborers.
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: John 6:56-69
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: John 6:51-58
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: Psalm 130 & John 6:35, 41-51
Children’s sermon (that isn’t just for children) concludes around 4:55
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: John 6:24-35
Pride Sunday
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: John 11:1-44
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost —
Sermon text: John 6:15-21