Psalm 136:1-9, 23-26 | Matthew 6:19-34 | Matthew 13:22
Jeremy Richards
This morning we’re continuing our sermon series on reimagining and receiving the love of God, on opening ourselves up to encounter the Divine. In other words, we’re talking about the spiritual life and how to cultivate it.
We know from 1 John 4 and other scriptures that to abide in God is to abide in love, so the journey into God is a journey into love. In fact, it’s love all the way through. We begin in love—we’re called by love, the road we travel is love, and our destination is love, because God is love, and God isn’t another being somewhere else, but reality itself. God is the One in whom we live and move and have our being. Love is the One in whom we live and move and have our being. As we’ve prayed every Sunday morning since 2021 began, “All things exist in love, because you, eternal God, are love.” As Horacio shared with us last week, love is the fountain and foundation of all life.