Luke 20:27-38
Jeremy Richards
To speak theologically means to speak of God. Theo means God and ology means the study of. Theology means to study God, and to speak theologically means to speak out of our study, out of our knowledge, of God. It’s God-talk, and there’s no form of speaking more important, more vital to being human, more life-changing than God-talk. In talking about God we talk about the ultimate Good, the Beautiful, the True. In talking about God, we speak also of ourselves, because we can’t know ourselves apart from God, which is what we talked about last week. God is all encompassing, eternal, infinite. In the words of the psalmist, God hems us in behind and before. God is our beginning and our end, and not just our beginning and end, but the entire cosmos’ beginning and end, the Alpha and the Omega. When we speak theologically, we try, in some sense, to get at the core of things, to touch on that which is eternal. Put most simply, we try to understand who God is, and out of that we seek to better understand who we are in God.